
I created a snake game using C++, without the use of any graphics library.

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Snake game using C++

I created a snake game using C++, without the use of any graphics library.
To see how this games looks and work

I used following libraries-

  1. conio.h
  2. time.h
  3. synchapi.h
  4. windows.h

The code snake.cpp is final game consists of all features, which is too efficient and its speed is great (you can’t play custom: 0), it doesn’t have screen flickering issues, the size of board can be increased without compromising the effciency of game.


The other code snake_naive_approach.cpp is the naive approach to this game, which I formed initially, it overwrites the whole screen and then writes it, then clears then writes it, so its not so efficient, slow but has a smaller code (almost half).